Groundnuts articles
Visit the website of the OPDT/OAC for further information about groundnuts.
2024 (1 article)
Advancements and collaborations: Insights from the global groundnut industry.
Botha A (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 10 NO 2, JUNE 2024, p54-57) PDF
2023 (1 article)
Modern producer development in South Africa.
Ngcamphalala S (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 9 NO 4, DECEMBER 2023, p41, 43) PDF
2022 (9 articles)
Is peanut butter good for you?
Leonard J, Olsen N (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 1, MARCH 2022, p54) PDF
Three key strategies for improving rainfall effectivity and soil health.
Miles N (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 2, JUNE 2022, p15, 17) PDF
Key decisions and actions in weed management prior to establishing the next crop.
Reinhardt C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 2, JUNE 2022, p32-33) PDF
The effect of fertiliser prices on the grain industry.
Vercueil (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 2, JUNE 2022, p3435) PDF
The effect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on world edible oil prices.
Muller C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 2, JUNE 2022, p43, 45, 47) PDF
Perspectives on agriculture's performance in Q4 of 2021.
Bureau For Food And Agricultural Policy (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 2, JUNE 2022, p50-51) PDF
Nature-based farming could be the answer to reduced feriliser use.
MacLaren C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2022, p34-35) PDF
Superb solutions to meet micro-element requirements in oilseeds.
Adriaanse FG (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2022, p39) PDF
Great minds gather to examine the future of groundnuts.
Botha A (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 8 NO 4, DECEMBER 2022, p10-11) PDF
2021 (3 articles)
Impact of peanut consumption in the LEAP Study: Feasibility, growth, and nutrition.
Bahnson HT, Du Toit G, Feeney M, Lack G, Lawson K, Plaut M, Radulovic S, Roberts G, Sayre PH, Sever ML (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 7 NO 1, MARCH 2021, p48, 49, 51) PDF
An improved root system for higher yield.
Robustodorus arachidis: A newly discovered seed-borne nematode on groundnut.
Knoetze R, Steenkamp S, Swart A (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 7 NO 4, DECEMBER 2021, p17, 19) PDF
2020 (8 articles)
Old school weed control.
United Soybean Board (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 1, MARCH 2020, p13) PDF
Addressing the concerns of groundnut producers.
Botha A (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 1, MARCH 2020, p14-15) PDF
Groundnut import tariffs: A perilous junction.
Botha A (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 1, MARCH 2020, p24-25) PDF
Coronavirus causes distortion in the oilseeds market.
Strydom D (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 1, MARCH 2020, p26-27) PDF
Examining agriculture's role in labour-intensive growth.
Maré F (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 1, MARCH 2020, p32-33) PDF
Groundnut production: Cultivar evaluation and development are vital.
Botha A, De Kock L (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 4, DECEMBER 2020, p17) PDF
An alternative to conventional lime.
World Focus Agri (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 4, DECEMBER 2020, p27) PDF
Eviction proceedings during a labour dispute.
Pienaar C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 6 NO 4, DECEMBER 2020, p56) PDF
2019 (10 articles)
Global seed companies address climate change and nutritional needs.
Press Release By Access To Seeds Foundation (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 1, MARCH 2019, p21) PDF
Preventing Salmonella contamination in oilseeds-based animal feed.
Sakkers M (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 1, MARCH 2019, p35-36) PDF
Price volatility expected in global oilseeds market.
Strydom D (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 2, JUNE 2019, p36-37) PDF
Not a good year for local peanut production.
Sihlobo W (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 2, JUNE 2019, p38) PDF
Systems thinking to reduce groundnut aflatoxin exposure.
De Bruin W (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 2, JUNE 2019, p42-43) PDF
Getting to know the Protein Research Foundation.
Keun G (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 2, JUNE 2019, p46-47) PDF
Making a difference in the oilseeds industry.
Keun G (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 2, JUNE 2019, p49) PDF
The lowdown on organic vs inorganic fertilisers.
Venter C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2019, p24-25) PDF
An alternative to conventional lime.
World Focus Agri (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2019, p27) PDF
Trade war and supplies put pressure on oilseeds prices.
Strydom D (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 5 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2019, p32-33) PDF
2018 (13 articles)
Day Zero: Fear and anger vs. challenges and opportunities.
Theron AP (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 1, MARCH 2018, p1) PDF
Overview of weather conditions and water availability.
Human U (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 1, MARCH 2018, p14, 15 & 17) PDF
Top ten reasons why your herbicide did not work as expected.
Reinhardt C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 1, MARCH 2018, p26-27) PDF
African Economic Outlook 2018: Growth, but...
African Development Bank (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4, NO 1, MARCH 2018, p30-31) PDF
Building bridges: Groundnut industry receives Japanese group visit.
Botha A (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4, NO 1, MARCH 2018, p33-35) PDF
South African logistics: Does it measure up?
Brits M (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 1, MARCH 2018, p36-37) PDF
Peanuts that keep aflatoxins at bay: A threshold that matters.
Bhatnagar D, Bhatnagar-Mathur P, Cary JW, Chen ZY, Kaur J, Pathana A, Rajasekaran K, Raruang Y, Shah D, Sharma KK, Sudini HK (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 1, MARCH 2018, p46-47) PDF
A glimpse into the crystal ball of grains and oilseeds storage and handling.
Purnell M (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 2, JUNE 2018, p42-43) PDF
Global food demand.
Briedenhann E (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2018, p2) PDF
First Access to Seeds Index for Western and Central Africa.
Press Release By Access To Seeds Foundation (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 3, SEPTEMBER 2018, p16) PDF
Site-specific management of in-field spatial and temporal variability of soils.
Moshia ME (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 4, DECEMBER 2018, p12-13) PDF
Application of CRISPR technology in Agriculture.
Human U (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 4, DECEMBER 2018, p26-27) PDF
The role of peanuts in the prevention of coronary heart disease.
Hu FB, Kris-Etherton PM, Ros E, Sabate J (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 4 NO 4, DECEMBER 2018, p42-43) PDF
2017 (3 articles)
Groundnuts in South Africa: The future looks bright.
Du Pisanie K (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 3 NO 2, JUNE 2017, p10-11) PDF
The peanut butter market in South Africa.
Van Der Merwe C (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 3 NO 2, JUNE 2017, p32-33) PDF
Army worm wreaks havoc: Is South Africa under threat?
Briedenhann E (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 3 NO 1, MARCH 2017, p2) PDF
2016 (3 articles)
The effect of the drought on the oilseeds industry.
Briedenhann E (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 2 NO 2, MARCH 2016, p2) PDF
A volatile environment for the oilseeds industry.
Briedenhann E (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 2 NO 3, JUNE 2016, p2) PDF
Structural changes to the fertiliser industry.
2015 (1 article)
The PPECB laboratory and its role in the South African groundnut industry.
Naicker D (OILSEEDS FOCUS, VOL 1 NO 3, OCTOBER 2015, p39) PDF