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The PRF is financially responsible for Canolafokus (only available in Afrikaans), a newsletter that publishes contemporary research results. Through Canolafokus researchers, as well as the farming community, are kept up to date with the latest information with regards to agriculture, weed-, fungus- and insect control, cultivar evaluations and new uses for canola in the winter rainfall region. Canolafokus is a quarterly publication and so far its success is evident by the very favourable response with which it has been received by the canola industry.

Canolafokus is 'n nuusbrief wat deur die PNS geborg word sodat kontemporêre navorsingsresultate professioneel beskikbaar gestel kan word. Hierdeur bly navorsers, asook die boeregemeenskap, op hoogte met die nuutste ontwikkelinge ten opsigte van die verbouing, onkruid-, swam- en insekbeheer, cultivarevaluasies en gebruike van canola in die winterreënvalstreek. Canolafokus word kwartaalliks gepubliseer en die goeie ontvangs van die nuusbrief deur die canolabedryf, dui op 'n klinkende sukses.

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