Mission of the Protein Research Foundation

The PRF contributes to the realisation of its vision for the provision and utilisation of protein by means of the pro-active stimulation and funding of applicable purposeful research, as well as the promotion and implementation of such research results by means of technology transfer, in order to fulfil the increasing demand for protein as well as its optimal utilisation in the Republic of South Africa for animal nutrition.

The PRF subscribes to

  • A balanced, objective approach, which is sensitive to the developmental needs of the RSA.
  • A critical awareness of the latest developments regarding protein supply and utilisation.
  • The promotion of cost-effective research.
  • The dynamic promotion of the implementation of research results.
  • The effective sustained utilisation of natural agricultural resources.
  • The reduction of foreign exchange payable for imports and creation of job opportunities by replacing imported protein as far as possible with locally produced protein.
  • Facilitating and finding solutions for value chain optimisation.