Income and cost budgets 2013/2014 Inkomste en kosteramings

Irrigated crops in Central Irrigation Regions (i) / Besproeiingsgewasse in Sentrale Besproeiingstreke (i)
Area / Gebied GWK area / gebied
Crop / Gewas Soybeans RR
Sojabone RR
Cultivation system / Bewerkingstelsel Minimum Minimum Con. / Kon. Minimum Con. / Kon.
Date SAFEX future price / Datum SAFEX termynkontrakprys 05/2014 07/2014 12/2013
Yield / Opbrengs T/ha 4.00 13.00 7.50 3.00 3.00
Nett Farm Price / Netto Plaasprys R/ton 4 880 1 704 2 714 8 000 4 257
  Safex R/ton 5 150 2 102 3 357 8 600 4 525
  Transport differential / Vervoerdifferensiaal R/ton 0 278 270 0 0
  Other marketing costs / Ander (ii) R/ton 540 120 373 600 268
Gross income / Bruto inkomste R/ha 19 520 22 152 20 353 24 000 12 770
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste
Seed / Saad (iii) R/ha 847 2 700 1 180 2 341 180
  Own / Eie R/ha 293 0 0 0 0
  Purchased / Gekoop R/ha 554 2 700 1 180 2 341 180
Fertilizer / Bemesting (iv) R/ha 1 121 5 375 4 969 5 323 5 559
Lime / Kalk R/ha 0 0 0 470 0
Herbicides / Onkruiddoders R/ha 400 134 144 2 434 119
Pesticides and fungicides / Plaag- en swambeheermiddels R/ha 938 1 941 670 1 080 223
Casual labour / Los arbeid R/ha 0 0 0 0 0
Aero spray (contract) / Lugbespuiting (kontrak) R/ha 0 230 345 0 0
Crop insurance / Oesversekering R/ha 1 171 710 1 119 408 475
Irrigation / Besproeiing (v) R/ha 3 254 3 288 2 873 2 962 1 813
Mechanisation costs / Meganisasiekoste
  Fuel / Brandstof R/ha 308 512 707 456 707
  Repairs and maintenance / Herstelwerk en onderhoud R/ha 147 200 450 186 402
Interest on Working Capital / Rente op Bedryfskapitaal (vi) R/ha 468 801 664 964 534
Harvesting costs / Oeskoste (vii) R/ha 1 182 932 818 3 611 1 204
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste R/ha 9 837 16 823 13 938 20 234 11 216
Gross margin / Bruto marge R/ha 9 683 5 329 6 415 3 766 1 554
Labour costs / Gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 792 792 792 792 792
Margin above labour costs / Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 8 891 4 537 5 623 2 974 762
Own seed / Persentasie eie saad 80% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Source: compiled in cooperation with GWK.
Bron: opgestel in samewerking met GWK.

  • Includes Prieska, Marydale, Douglas, Klein Vaalharts, Rietrivier and Hopetown.
    Sluit in Prieska, Marydale, Douglas, Klein Vaalharts, Rietrivier en Hopetown.
  • Includes handling fee, commission, transport to silo, hedging and drying cost, if applicable.
    Sluit hanteringsfooi, kommissie, vervoer na silo, verskansings- en drogingskoste waar van toepassing in.
  • Includes cost of innoculants.
    Sluit saadbehandeling in.
  • Includes trace elements if applied.
    Sluit spoorelemente in, indien toegedien.
  • Energy, repairs and water tax.
    Energie, onderhoud en waterbelasting.
  • Interest calculated for part of production year. Interest rate: 10.00%.
    Rente bereken vir gedeelte van produksiejaar. Rentekoers: 10.00%.
  • Contractor.

Sensitivity analysis / Sensitiwiteitsanalise
Soybeans / Sojabone

Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
SAFEX Price / Prys Gross margin per ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge per ha (gereelde arbeid uitgesluit)
R/ton R/ha
4 750 3 830 6 128 8 426 10 724 13 022
4 950 4 430 6 828 9 226 11 624 14 022
5 150 5 030 7 528 10 026 12 524 15 022
5 350 5 630 8 228 10 826 13 424 16 022
5 550 6 230 8 928 11 626 14 324 17 022
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