Soybean and maize (dryland) 2013/2014 Sojabone en mielies (droëland)

Area / Gebied Bloedrivier
Crop / Gewas Soybeans
Cultivation system / Bewerkingstelsel Conventional / Konvsioneel
Date SAFEX price / Datum SAFEX prys 05/2013 06/2013
Yield / Opbrengs Ton/ha 2.00 4.50
Nett Farm Price / Netto Plaasprys R/ton 5 039 1 679
  Safex R/ton 5 150 2 102
  Transport differential / Vervoerdifferensiaal R/ton 0 317
  Other marketing costs / Ander (i) R/ton 111 106
Gross income / Bruto inkomste R/ha 10 078 7 556
Variable costs / Veranderlike koste
Pre harvest cost / Vooroeskoste
Seed / Saad (ii) R/ha 754 1 395
  Own / Eie R/ha 386 0
  Purchased / Gekoop R/ha 368 1 395
Fertilizer / Bemesting (iii) R/ha 63 2 285
Lime / Kalk R/ha 224 224
Herbicides / Onkruiddoders R/ha 457 483
Pesticides and fungicides / Plaag- en swambeheermiddels R/ha 155 446
Casual labour / Los arbeid R/ha 0 0
Aero spray (contract) / Lugbespuiting (kontrak) R/ha 0 0
Crop Insurance / Oesversekering R/ha 1 109 302
Mechanisation Costs / Meganisasiekoste
  Fuel / Brandstof R/ha 431 451
  Repairs and maintenance / Herstelwerk en onderhoud R/ha 361 361
Interest on working capital (iv) / Rente op bedryfskapitaal (iv) R/ha 193 313
Harvesting costs / Oeskoste (v) R/ha 298 309
Total variable costs / Totaal veranderlike koste R/ha 4 044 6 569
Gross margin / Bruto marge R/ha 6 034 987
Labour costs / Gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 173 173
Margin above labour costs / Marge na gereelde arbeidskoste R/ha 5 861 815
Own seed / Persentasie eie saad 80% 0%

Source: group discussions during 2012.
Bron: groepsbesprekings 2012.

  • Includes handling fee, commission, transport to silo, hedging and drying cost, if applicable.
    Sluit hanteringsfooi, kommissie, vervoer na silo, verskansings- en drogingskoste waar van toepassing in.
  • Includes cost of innoculants.
    Sluit saadbehandeling in.
  • Includes trace elements if applied.
    Sluit spoorelemente in, indien toegedien.
  • Interest calculated for part of production year. Interest rate: 10.00%.
    Rente bereken vir gedeelte van produksiejaar. Rentekoers: 10.00%.
  • Includes self combine harvesting (fuel and repairs only).
    Eie stroper (slegs brandstof en reparasies).

Sensitivity analysis / Sensitiwiteitsanalise
KwaZulu-Natal (dryland / droëland)

Yield / Opbrengs (ton/ha) 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40
SAFEX Price / Prys Gross margin per ha (excluding permanent labour) / Bruto marge per ha (gereelde arbeid uitgesluit)
R/ton R/ha
4 750 3 378 4 306 5 234 6 162 7 090
4 950 3 698 4 666 5 634 6 602 7 570
5 150 4 018 5 026 6 034 7 042 8 050
5 350 4 338 5 386 6 434 7 482 8 530
5 550 4 658 5 746 6 834 7 922 9 010
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